Protect intellectual property and promote common prosperity

Add time:2021-09-09 09:56:43   Number of views:1352  

On August 17, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the Central Finance and Economics Commission presided over the tenth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Commission to study the issue of solid promotion of common prosperity, study the prevention and resolution of major financial risks, and ensure financial stability. Development work issues. Xi Jinping made an important speech at the meeting and emphasized that common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism and an important feature of Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development concept and promote common prosperity in high-quality development; finance is the essence of modern economy. The core is related to development and security. It is necessary to follow the principles of marketization and rule of law, and coordinate the prevention and resolution of major financial risks.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to protect property rights and intellectual property rights, protect legal wealth, and promote the standardized and healthy development of various types of capital. In this regard, our reporter interviewed experts and scholars to jointly explore specific paths for intellectual property work to promote common prosperity.

What is the significance of intellectual property protection in promoting common prosperity?

"Common prosperity encourages diligence and innovation to get rich. Intellectual property protection is an important guarantee for innovation and prosperity." Cao Xinming, director of the Intellectual Property Research Center of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said in an interview with our reporter. As the conference emphasized, "Common prosperity belongs to all people. Prosperity means that the people's material and spiritual lives are prosperous. It is not the affluence of a few people, nor is it uniform egalitarianism. It is necessary to promote common prosperity in stages. "To achieve common prosperity, fairness and benefits must be considered. The protection of intellectual property rights is not only affirmed. The labor of the creators of intellectual property rights is also an indispensable element in my country's comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Tao Xinliang, honorary dean of the School of Intellectual Property of Shanghai University, believes that in my country's historical process of promoting the healthy development of various types of capital and promoting common prosperity, the role of strengthening the protection of intellectual property is becoming more and more important. At present, my country is showing the characteristics of the era of using intellectual property rights to promote development, and intellectual property factors in various capital operations are becoming more and more important. For example, the operation of intellectual property capitalization, the exploration of intellectual property securitization and creditor's rights, the trade of patents and technology licenses, and the financing of intellectual property pledges have strongly promoted the development of related capital operations. Intellectual property has become an accelerator and catalyst for the healthy development of various capitals in my country, and intellectual property will also become a measure and protector for further regulating the healthy operation of various capitals in my country.

How to promote common prosperity through intellectual property work?

"We must protect intellectual property rights to escort common and legally prosperous prosperity, so as to promote the healthy development of various types of capital." Tao Xinliang said that on the one hand, my country has already tried to directly capitalize intellectual property rights, such as intellectual property pledge financing, Debt of intellectual property rights and so on. On the other hand, my country has paid considerable attention to intellectual property-related capital operations, such as focusing on the supervision of related intellectual property capital transactions in the capital market and its anti-monopoly. But most of these tasks belong to the initial or initial stage. In response to the development of the situation and its characteristics in the next stage, my country needs to further increase its efforts to effectively promote the standardized and healthy development of various types of capital-related intellectual property rights, especially in terms of precise implementation of intellectual property protection and effective control of intellectual property abuse. One floor.

Cao Xinming believes that the future should be implemented in terms of intellectual property policies, legal regulations, and protection measures. In terms of policy formulation and improvement, we should start from the perspective of stimulating innovation and creativity, highlight the advantages of systems, talents, capital, and policies, solve the "stuck neck" problem, and protect intellectual property rights to form high-quality intellectual property rights. In the revision of laws and regulations, we should focus on protecting the rights and interests of innovators. For example, the newly revised patent law of our country has added "The state encourages units granted patent rights to implement property rights incentives, and adopts methods such as equity, options, dividends, etc., to make inventions People or designers reasonably share the benefits of innovation"; some corporate intellectual property regulations must also fully respect the fruits of the inventor’s intellectual labor. In the implementation of protective measures, it is necessary to comply with international rules and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of innovators.

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