Julia Dong
International trademark agent
Professional field
International trademark ( Registration,Opposition, Review, Announcement of invalidation,Assignment and Licensing,Renewal and other trademark related services ),Copyrights(Registration and infringement cases), Patent(design patent strategy;patent application for invention, utility model and design;patent reexamination and invalidation application;annual patent fee management;retrieval of patent documents and non patent documents and patent monitoring;patent PCT international application and national application one by one;patent customs filing and patent pledge registration;patent infringement risk analysis and avoidance design;patent early warning service;patent consultant and patent custody services). Administrative rights protection and litigation business
property cases.
Professional experience
Julia has been with the international department of Beijing Henglv IP Firm . With the experience of over 30 international property cases, she has become an reliable and trustworthy expert in Intellectual Property Industry.
Social activities
Member of Intellectual Property Research Institute of China
Educational background
Xi'an FanYi University Business English Major
Working languages
Chinese, English